Why have I created this site?
This site is mainly a site to show the progress of my car. I decided to do this so that I can look back and see how much I have done to the car. If I didnt create this site, and tried to keep documents of what I had done, I would almost definitely lose all the documents!
About the Car
The car I have bought is a 1990 Peugeot 205 1.4 XS.
Its a 1360cc engine, which is also shared by the Citroen AX GT, so basically this is the Citroen AX GT but in Peugeot form ; )
It has twin carbs and is very fast. With 85bhp @ 6400rpm it is a fairly nippy car! Some say that it is just as fast as a 1600cc 205 GTi, I have yet to prove this.... hehe
The Pug has 85lb/ft of torque and weighs 820KG which means it weighs fuk all!
It has a power to weight ratio of 105bhp/tonne! And with a insurance group of 8, its insurance figures are not sky high and it is possible to get one for your first car!
With this website, you will see the evolution of the lil pug going from a lil puppy into a full on beast!
Contact Me
Peugeot Sport Official Owners Club